Home Aims and Objectives

Knutsford Business Club

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Knutsford Business Club - Proposed Aims and Objectives PDF Print E-mail
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Thursday, 14 May 2009 09:49
Knutsford Business Club - Proposed Aims and Objectives

Proposed Aims:

Form a Local Business Club where businesses owners can get to know each other through networking at the beginning of each meeting.

To encourage local people buying from local shops and services

Local businesses buying from local businesses and referring local businesses.

Collectively tackle local issues such as parking and other issues that affect businesses and residents through KBC initiatives and lobbying activities.

Proposed Objectives:

Raise profile of businesses in Knutsford through Knutsford Business Club Activities and Initiatives

To foster business in Knutsford through encouraging all members to utilize each others services.

Encourage all skilled / qualified trades people from around Knutsford to join in the Club. First port of call using referred members.

Increase the desire and awareness for people to use local businesses.

Increase links with industrial/business parks drawing them and their staff into the town centre

Create a powerful lobby group that can have its voice heard through media meetings etc.

Promote and market the town

If you would like to add any additional aims or objectives to the proposed list for discussion at the next meeting please contact Bryan Stuart on 01565 633703 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Last Updated on Tuesday, 09 June 2009 16:12

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