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Knutsford retail scene attracts several new tenants despite economic uncertainty. PDF Print E-mail
Written by Len Thomson   
Monday, 12 July 2010 01:04

New companies moving in include Rohan outdoor clothing in Princess St, yet to be confirmed - A Jewellery shop in Minshull St, taking over Modelle's premises,  A new fashion clothing shop where the Dressing Room was trading, Chalon Interior design/kitchens, to open in what was formerley known as Cos Recruitment. an Art gallery in the former Starbucks, another kitchen design shop, and the already opened Aunty Mabels Seat.

Perhaps this is indicative of what life has in store for us in Knutsford thanks to the 'austerity package' created by our own Tatton MP and Chancellor, George Osborne, where we will be spending more time and money in our kitchens, buying suitable attire for 'staycation holidays' and saving money by not having to move into a larger house. .

Exiting from the retail scene in June and July sadly includes the loss of Modelle, Nasty and the Dressing Room.  Chris Orwell of Interiors, trading for the past 20 years from his premises in King Street, has decided to close and Starbucks have already left. Most owners stated that failure to address the parking issues contributed to their decision not to renew their leases.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 August 2010 08:54

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